There are two worlds in which we live – the “Performance Zone” and the “Learning Zone.”
In his TED talk, Eduardo Briceño talks about these two zones and why it’s important for you to spend time in both of them.
Most of the time we live in the Performance Zone. This is where we use our skills. We take what we’ve learned before and use it to perform our work.
When go into the Learning Zone, we make a decision to spend some time learning so that when we return to the Performance Zone we will have new knowledge that will enable us to make better decisions and experience better results.
Top performers – in sports or in business – realize that their largest advancements in skills can be traced back to the few hours they spend in the Learning Zone.
Did you know that there is a wonderful side effect to having improved skills? We feel even better about the quality of our work!
When you take the time to work on your business, and not just in your business, this is a gift to yourself, and you deserve this gift. You are worth it.
When was the last time you got into the Learning Zone of direct selling?
Do you know about the Direct Selling Edge Conference?

The Direct Selling Edge Conference
Held since 2011, the Direct Selling Edge Conference is a corporate direct selling school for owners, executives and employees of network marketing, party plan, and social selling companies like yours.
Hosted by top compensation plan expert Jay Leisner of Sylvina Consulting and leading MLM attorney Kevin Thompson of Thompson Burton with a faculty of direct selling industry experts, the next Direct Selling Edge Conference will be held soon in warm Garden Grove, California on February 25-26, 2019.

Each conference provides two full days of classroom learning for new and established direct selling companies. The faculty members drill down very deeply into the most important topics everyone needs to know a lot more about. They teach what you need to know to build and grow your companies smarter and faster.
Topics covered in depth include direct selling business models, compensation plan design and improvement (two sessions), legal issues (two sessions), recruiting, leadership development, project management, compliance, software, and secrets of successful companies.
Each conference includes the popular speaker panel when the faculty members answer as many questions as possible, and up to three hours of private consultations which is free consulting for your company.
How Much Does It Cost?
The Learning Zone isn’t an expensive place to be. Conference tickets for two full days of education for companies are only $200 each.
BE AN EARLY BIRD: Register now to save $100 per ticket at
Can You Give Me One Reason To Attend?
No, but we can give you 15 reasons you should participate:
- To understand what you need to do to grow your company smarter and faster.
- To get the information you need to make better business decisions.
- To collect buckets of wisdom to be used now and in the future.
- To improve how you operate your company.
- To learn what you don’t know, that you need to know.
- To relearn what you once knew, but forgot.
- To find out what you haven’t yet done that you need to do right away.
- To identify specific steps you will take now and later.
- To discover what you have done wrong, so you can fix these things right away.
- To learn what to avoid doing that would harm your company.
- To build relationships with top industry experts.
- To network with other direct selling company owners.
- Just one great idea can change your world. Get ready for many.
- Invest in yourself because you’re worth it, and you deserve it.
- Now is the time to work on your business.
When Is The Conference?
The dates are Monday and Tuesday, February 25 and 26, 2019 and the location is the Hyatt Regency Orange County in Garden Grove, California. This will be our only California conference in 2019 and the next one won’t be held until October 2019 in Dallas, Texas.
Our attendees tell us that this is a unique educational opportunity.
Are The Reviews Good?
Yes, they are excellent. Here are just a few of them:
“Every second was worth it! I learned more in 2 days than I did in 18 months as the President of an MLM.” – Guy D.
“Had I come two years earlier, I would have saved over $100,000 and two years.” – Tom B.
“I learned more in 2 days than I have in 25 years selling MLM.” – Karrie M.
“I went to another company’s conference last spring. I learned more in the first two hours of this conference than I learned in two days with the other one. The content shared was detailed and specific.” – Gwen W.
“The conference was jam-packed with practical information on how to start and improve a direct sales business. Thank you very much for putting out such good training sessions and value. We appreciate it!” – Andrew K.
“I came to this conference two years later than I should have. Had I come two years earlier, I would have saved over $100,000 AND two years.” – Tom B.
“What a great group of speakers! Jay Leisner is a great teacher and has a strong, experienced perspective on Direct Sales. I learned a lot from Kevin Grimes and Jeff Jordan that I needed to learn. Troy Dooly was very inspiring and personable. Donna Marie Serritella was a perfect afternoon speaker to keep us engaged and interested. I also enjoyed the experience to be able to ask everyone questions afterwards. Thank you!” – Denise D.
“Within the first 10 minutes, you know you are in the right place, because you are already learning.” – Soraya T.
“I was amazed at the information. I thought it was going to be a broad stroke event to get you with different vendors. I was very surprised to see all of the targeted topics, how in depth they went into discussing very important issues. It is one of the best conferences that I have ever been to.” – Mike D.
“The things we learned here have been key in preventing us from making some costly mistakes.” – Adrian A.
“This is the third DS Edge Conference that I have attended. I continue to learn more each time.” – Rodney B.
“Jay. You gave the best presentation and overview on the different types of compensation plans I have ever seen by anyone in my 30 years of being a part of MLM. “ – Mary Lou V.
“The 15 minute one-on-one sessions were invaluable. I was able to get my specific questions answered by the industry experts with no sales pressure.” – Legretta L.
“In the first five minutes, this conference had turned everything I knew on its head. It made me ask questions I didn’t even know were topics I needed to know.” -Nikki L.
“I feel that we were given real guidance that was not overly optimistic, but real and presented in a way that was not overwhelming. It was certainly a lot of information given in a well thought-out pace and a friendly professional manner.” – Karen B.
Your Direct Selling Edge Experience
Don’t wait. Get into the Learning Zone for direct selling companies. It’s a great place to be!
For full conference details, tickets and lodging, click
Learn more at or contact us to schedule a demo.