MLM Recruiting
I’m often asked how to recruit more and better individuals in this business. And, while there isn’t a ‘magic elixir’ to solve this, there are certainly some best practices that can help you be more successful in recruiting. With January comes a new year and a prime time for recruiting, so now is a great time to refocus your recruiting efforts and grow your organization.
Here are 5 tips for more successful recruiting:

1. Partner with your field to recruit
When I ask business owners in this industry whose job it is to recruit, I often get the response “the Field”. While this isn’t necessarily inaccurate, it isn’t the whole answer. Yes, your Field does recruit new customers and new members, and can do so at an exponential rate due to the expansive reach of a varied Field. However, it is your job (as the business owner) to drive recruiting practices. This is done by:
- Providing the right tools to your Field so that they are equipped to share information about the products and business opportunity
- Creating a consistent message for recruiting, which you use throughout your corporate marketing and your Field can repeat throughout theirs
- Properly allocating marketing funds to the right areas at the right times, building a ‘buzz’ of awareness for your Field to then capitalize on.
In short, you need to drive brand awareness for interest and empower your Field with the right tools to close the deal.
2. Clearly define your focus of attraction.
Before you can hope to impact your recruiting, you need to have a clear strategy for WHO you are recruiting. Are you looking for loyal customers, a new type of customer, established leaders or casual Reps? Each of these segments will respond to a different type of messaging and images. Each can be found in different spaces. Knowing who you are trying to reach is the first step in establishing your recruiting strategy.
3. Look for those who fit into your culture
In my years of experience, and confirmed by my peers within this industry time and time again, the most successful recruiting companies are those who target like-minded individuals. In other words, find those who are a natural fit into your culture. This could mean customers who like similar products, or who care about the same product qualities that you offer. This could also mean a Field who are focused on personal wellness, or philanthropic activities. Once you know who fits into your culture, be sure to:
- Capture their attention with images and headlines directly related to the culture/shared interest you are targeting
- Speak their language, using the right formality, lingo, and length of message
- Be authentic! To truly find those who are a fit for your culture, you need to speak authentically about your brand, your products, and your company.
4. Operate within regulatory guidelines for opportunity messaging
It’s no secret that our industry carries a certain amount of notoriety when it comes to recruiting, earnings, and building teams. However, when articulated fairly and transparently, it is possible to speak about your business opportunity in a way that does not perpetuate any negative impressions. Be sure that all of your marketing materials and content align with regulatory guidelines for recruiting. Furthermore, train your Field on what they can and cannot say about this business. When in doubt, engage the help of attorneys/firms familiar with our industry.
5. Ensure your brand gives a good first impression
The goal of all recruiting efforts is to bring interested individuals to your ‘store’ to learn more, shop and join. That ‘store’ (your public site, replicated sites, brochures, automated emails, etc) needs to be welcoming, aligned with your brand standards, and simple to absorb/navigate. Two great things to keep in mind are:
- Approx 80% of visitors/respondants will be using a mobile device. It’s important that you site is mobile friendly, that your materials are digital/downloadable, and that the entire process (shop, join, grow a successful business) can all be done on-the-go.
- If it takes too many steps or isn’t intuitive, you’ll lose many of those visitors/respondants. If you haven’t, personally, purchased from your store, signed up as a member, etc, they do it today! Experiencing first-hand what a potential customer, new recruit, or established member will experience is the best way to ensure your tools are ready for those you wish to recruit.
Finally, remember that what works for one company may not work for another. Even the tips I’ve provided above will vary in execution from one company to another. Don’t try to repeat exactly what another has done. Instead, find what works for you, and stick to that.
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