Freedom plus Wayroo | As you design and build your Multi-Level Marketing business, your MLM software creates the foundation that enables you to scale and grow. You define the dream. You set the strategy. And you roll up your sleeves and make it happen. ByDesign’s Freedom Platform is by your side, bringing structure, ease, and accuracy to not only get your business off the ground but also take it to the next level… and the level beyond.
When you choose the Freedom Platform for your Direct Selling Organization (DSO), you’re choosing the ability to configure the functionality that fits your company’s specific needs. And, as those needs change, you have the freedom to layer in additional features as you need them. From genealogy structure and downline payment schedules to premier representative tools and comprehensive reporting, the Freedom Platform delivers seamless scalability at its best.
Don’t be fooled, online shopping hasn’t replaced relationship-driven or in-person sales experiences. Instead, today’s shopping experiences aren’t either/or. As you grow, you’ll find yourself ready for enhanced market-facing capabilities like selling on-hand inventory that augment your customer experience and boost your representatives’ selling capabilities. That’s when it’s time to introduce Wayroo.
Deliver an ever-evolving shopping experience
Wayroo is a sleek front-end system that expertly pairs with ByDesign’s Freedom Platform to give you innovative commerce and payment solutions that make it easy for your representatives to deliver a cutting-edge customer experience. Designed specifically for MLM businesses, Wayroo integrates with the Freedom Platform to give your representatives more options to reach their buyers, expand their networks, and increase sales.

Here are three ways Wayroo adds to Freedom’s strong foundation:
1. Live and social selling options
No longer a novelty, online selling events have quickly become a preferred way to reach, engage, and sell to busy customers. And, as the popularity grows, so do customer expectations. Wayroo offers a menu of live and social selling options, ensuring your representatives are able to interact with customers, no matter where they are online.
First, Wayroo helps representatives leverage social media to effectively increase their marketing reach, build relationships, and establish strong communities with their target audiences. To ensure brand consistency, you’re able to create a library of assets within Wayroo for representatives to easily pull from as they engage with customers.
When it comes to live selling, Wayroo supports Comment Selling within social media platforms with “Reply to Buy” functionality that makes the sales process easy for both customers and representatives. Or, for a top-of-the-line, QVC-like experience, Wayroo also offers stand-alone livestream selling capabilities, where customers can join the live event, comment, and complete buying transactions without ever having to leave the event. Because these livestream events occur outside of any social media platform, with simple simultaneous streaming within those platforms, your representatives avoid any penalties such as ‘jail’ or suspended accounts. Plus, with the livestream option, interactions happen in near real-time, which avoids the lag time that often occurs with Facebook and Instagram and helps sales to flow more freely.
2. Hybrid sales flexibility
Today’s buyers are complex. They expect the 24/7 convenience of eCommerce combined with personalized one-to-one relationships. MLM businesses have a distinct advantage when they give representatives the tools to deliver both. Wayroo was built with hybrid sales in mind, giving representatives the flexibility to engage customers with an integrated mix of sales platforms including replicated websites providing access to the entire corporate inventory, live selling online creating convenience and accessibility, and in-person party events allowing customers to walk out with their new favorite items
Wayroo makes it easy for your representatives to keep the focus on the customer experience. At the same time, you can count on Wayroo’s integration with Freedom to coordinate everything from inventory management to sales tax calculations and sales rep payments.
3. Retail Receipts Visibility
When you’re growing a successful direct sales business, you don’t have time to hassle with signing into multiple databases to bring together the information you need to identify trends and make decisions. Wayroo seamlessly integrates with the Freedom Platform, which means you have access to all your data, all in one place.
With Wayroo, you gain a view of your entire organization’s operation and flow, including retail receipt visibility from the warehouse through to the end customer. That means you can be confident you’re in compliance with FTC regulations, compensation structure rules, and sales tax laws.
It’s a win-win. When you pair Wayroo’s front-end capabilities with the solid foundation of ByDesign’s Freedom Platform, your MLM business has the comprehensive tools it needs to continue to scale and grow, along with the ease and automation of seamlessly integrated systems. Visit to take a closer look at Wayroo’s complementary capabilities or contact us for a demo today.
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